
304 Art Reviews

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That sonofabitch gorrila is gonna eat your face!

Omg I loved Evangelion... it was a messed up show, maybe a little to much on the angel part, but the fight scenes were awesome and I loved when the unit went berserk and started eating the angel like a rabid monkey xD

The thing I think you need with this is sharper, more clearly defined outlines... it sorta seems you did this with charcoal or some chalky medium. I honestly would just do it traditionally, but hey, it's not bad.

TomorrowsFallout responds:

haha, i understand, i used thin, sketchy lines... and as far as medium, its digital :D


The nose and mouth seem a bit big though... otherwise this is pretty good, nice rendition. Oh and... This may be an odd request but, could you draw Toph like Noodle from The Gorillaz or Noodle like Toph? Either way, I saw the resemblance and I think it would be interesting to see what it turned out like.

kevinsano responds:

your request amuses me.

If he had a nose installed...

It would break a hole in the wall after he said that...

Huh, it's all pretty good...

...But, I think it's lacking in realism... Everything sorta seems kinda meh (no offense). I mean, if you just thought of this without any reference that's pretty good, but I don't know. You may want to try drawing realistically, like still life or something, then come back to this sort of thing.


It's really abstract but it kind of makes you paranoid after looking at it for a while, you know? I'm not sure what to rate this, but it looks like you've put in some good effort.

This is awesome and cute :3

Just for the heck of it though, I think you should have the sun shining in the background, but make it look a gear or something (sorta like the Japanese depiction of the sun but mechanized). Another thing, I like what you did with the background fade, but I honestly thing it looks like you're slacking off... I mean you're one of the best background artists I've seen on newgrounds, so I'm sorta disappointed that you didn't show the entire background in all of it's glory.

And now for what you actually did do... First off, the robot and the boat are really cute concepts, nice work. But it seems to me like you made the boat out of makeshift parts (I think that's a fishing rod for the sail or something I can't really tell, I mean, if it is you should use that to your advantage. I.e. string the sail through the entire fishing pole or something). The robot I don't have any criticism on, very simple and innocent, though I love the little wrench he's using xD The sea and sky are really stunning as well, though I can't help but think the clouds are a bit faded out of the picture, they don't look that natural.
Anyway, it's still great man, if you put in a bit more effort I would've given you a ten.

Old NG rat. Much love.

Wes Wade @Hoboweasel

Age 31, Male

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