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It hungers for the flesh of the livestock!...

Ground up, shaped into a patty, then cooked and placed between two slices of bread with an assortment of vegetable garnishes such a- MEOW DAMMNIT!!

I really like it, but it seems sketchy, like you could have done a lot more...

Savory responds:

yeah, I have a lower attention span than most artists... I tried

Alright, I know I'm annoying, but here goes...

Starting from left to right (not all of them):
-Navi: lacking a well defined torso, makes the waist look really far up... Wings look a bit weird like that as well, though I appreciate your attempt to make her look different.
-Sheik: well, I think she's supposed to look like a guy to some extent... yeah... still look's really cool though.
-Malon: Looks cute, body's proportionate and everything too, but one pupil seems bigger than the other :/
-Goron: Awesome shading, but, why are his legs so far apart? o_e"
-Midna: same issue as with navi, you probably intended it I guess, I just think it looks odd. Oh, and they have a shitload of earrings apparently...
-Pig dude: Looks amazing... but that would scare the shit out of me if I saw it irl...
-Majora: Mask needs to be bigger, the head as well. Also, he has these sort of frills on his had (it's made of some weird cloth or something that got tattered I guess).
-Gerudo lady: *thumbs up*
-Ganon: Like the body, but the head seems weird... sort of scrunched up :c
...wait, what the hell is that thing?! It's freaking awesome though!

My favorites are probably the stalfos, pig dude, and the Gerudo lady... Not very fond of Midna or Skullkid though :c Don't get me wrong though, the others are still awesome, that's why I gave you a ten.

I know I seem like I down-rate things but I'm just looking for flaws. If I don't suggest anything that normally means it's damn near as good as it gets.

lenkalamari responds:

nah dont worry about it, its definitely good to give crit. its hard to really judge a piece when i've been looking at it for so long so a pair of fresh eyes always helps.

most anatomy warps are a personal decision, you've gotta remember i'm going for the more stylized vibe of wind waker than something like ocarina/twilight princess. but you did mention a few things i didn't pick up on so i can go right back and fix em. thanks

Alright, I can see why "Igiveup" said that...

He's still off though, in my opinion. I think what this really lacks is some realistic lighting, by that I mean lightening up the outlines of things that are in direct light, and darkening up some shadows. I think that would sort of give it a more aesthetic lighting and make everything flow a lot more naturally. Technically you COULD do that by just putting this in Photoshop or something and increasing the shadows and contrast a bit then taking the more visible outlines and make them lighter, but Idk, it's still really good, I'm just trying to clarify what I think is a bit of an issue in it...

jouste responds:

sure the lighting is a little wonky. i didn't have a lot of time to do this image but i think it turned out alright.

thanks for the advice though. this is an older image so i'd like to think that i've gotten a little better with my shading.

thanks for the highscore and review pal! :D


To be honest

This is really quite good, but given the program you have, I would say you could have done a lot better. Also, they don't necessarily look like a girl (And I'm assuming they're supposed to because their name's Livien). If you want it to look more effeminate, I would suggest adding a more defined roundness to their face, as well as making features (like the chin) smaller. Overall, in comparison to your other work, it's sketchy and unfinished, you should have worked on it some more.

HOWEVER, if I was going to say something completely biased, yes, I would say this is totally awesome and I love the angular style to it... So keep working, for the love of god...

Abstractly done...

Two figures in curled up positions in a suggestive relative distance from one another (let alone that's all that's in the picture). I like it though, it's got a nice emotional presence and good concept of anatomy. Quite realistic too, though I think the guy on the left has a bit of a disproportional head in comparison to the woman...


Nice realism to it, kinda funny too. I'm not sure why, but it almost seems complete with the background at least shaded in (though I have to say, the concept's pretty simplistic)... Anyway, it's fairly cool looking (you did a nice job bringing out the gradual shading too). There's a bit of unsymmetrical angle to the eyes (though I know how hard it is to get them almost perfectly straight, so it's fine), but what sorta bugs me is that it looks almost too dark, like it's in some wierd shade... But I still like it, so I'll give you a good score.

Oh, and I think KirtTheGreat's talking about some program you use on a Mac though (it's this photo filter that pretty much lets you blur out everything outside a small circle...). I get what he's saying, but then again it's sort of stupid to think you'd need to use it for reference (especially since it doesn't look the same).

ornery responds:

yeah working eyes is a strange because contrary to popular belief they aren't symmetrical on anyone really. But its a big challenge to get them to be the right degree of asymmetry.

And figures I wouldn't know what that program is, I wouldn't be caught dead using a mac, or maybe I would, because they are so horrible that I have wanted to shoot myself in the head in lieu of using them.

Holy sh*t you're kidding me!! :O

I know the person that told you to do this!!! xD
This is one of their demon puppet dudes! :D
It's actually quite interesting, though I'm not really one to say since I don't have much experience with 3-D modeling :/
But yeah, they told me about the drawing she gave you to use as reference to make this. I think she also gave you some others of the same person.
Have you tried using z-brush and maya or whatever? A friend of mine uses it and they do amazing 3D stuff...

VidGameDude responds:

Oh you must go to my school
nice of you to notice ^_^

yeh i should use ink and paint but im a bit lazy atm =P
anyways thanks for the review!


Old NG rat. Much love.

Wes Wade @Hoboweasel

Age 31, Male

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