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Goddamn it...

Newgrounds took this off because it was on lined paper didn't they >:C
It's pretty funny and mario looks rather symmetrical.

Wolfenheim responds:

haha i dont know anything about this


I love how the background is sort of out of focus as well, it gives it a sort of photo realism.

Pohmme-d-adham responds:

Oh thx for the review! Well, it was a random effect, but it fits. :)


but at the same time, it's very well designed and stylized in a sort of chibi fashion... very nice work. Reminds me of zero suit Samus...

purefey responds:

I actually didn't mean for her to look like Samus, but someone pointed it out while she was in progress. I just like blue.

Nice, but a tad too bright...

Needs a bit more shadow in certain areas, like the hair and stuff under their hood and maybe the headphones... still, really cool picture.

Moosh responds:

Aww... I was trying to give it some kinda funky feel by purposely making it bright xD

I shall work on my shadowing much more. Thank you ^^

So that's why they keep stuff for the afterlife.

He should be petting a mummified cat too xD
Interesting texture, though I would have expected some darker lighting... still it's really good.

UnderARock responds:

hah, that is a good idea, wish I thought of that

Wow... this is interesting...

There's a certain eeriness to it that makes it really stand out. The black background mainly, but also that in contrast with the uneven glowing light from the lamp. And of course, the perspective (taken in that you could either be viewing the image from your own, or some normal person's viewpoint or some sort of weird being's). This is a really interesting piece.

The-Evil-Bunny responds:

thx for these kind words =)

Amazed this didn't get a better score... :c

Awesome design... looks a whole lot freakier than the real bowser too... (well theres giga bowser but I don't think that counts...)

lenkalamari responds:

there was a version uploaded before with less dynamic colours which most people voted on, but i think the scores appropriate lmao



*throws a computer at Gman* (P.s. there's not - in Gman) Pretty good though, I like how you imitated the inflation tool effect by making the pupils small but the head big.

Snowman responds:

Oh yes

P.s. I put a - in G-man cause im cool like that

I don't really want to be the one to say this...

This looks kind of cool, it's just that there's WAY more complex and well done pieces compared to this... It's way to plain and simple to be considered really all that good.

Kinsei responds:

simple, to be honest I really never though about it that way, it's only about a half hours worth of work though.
Perhaps more complexity would be a good thing,
Thanks for the input. I'll take it to heart, if others say the same then I'll really get to changing it up.

And please, don't feel bed about saying what you have.
A friend once told me, you learn little from victory, so please be harsh on it if you can.


Nice job, trippy, well drawn, colorful and lot's of style (could have used one more part... but it's still pretty great)... oh, hey, what colored pencils do you normally use? I'm pretty sure this one's digital though, right?

UnderARock responds:

I actually use regular crayolas, they re bitchin

Old NG rat. Much love.

Wes Wade @Hoboweasel

Age 31, Male

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