
102 Art Reviews w/ Response

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I really, really love all the detail in this... I'm such a fan of pen and ink, and this is a perfect example of proficient ink art. I really like the patterns and spiritual connotation as well. You've got a great style and I'm glad you had the tenacity to finish the entire piece (I'm still working on a really detailed piece myself).

ShizzleCreature responds:

its actually just ink ,but glad you liked it, and good luck with your piece, link me when its done!

The monotone of radiant and bleached oranges really creates an unsettling emotional connotation to this piece; moreover, the jagged edges and exaggerated proportions make the piece all the more unsettling - again, in terms of emotional infectiousness. The slight redness around the neck seems to imply a sort of strange stately connotation; it's as if the figure was dressed up for some special occasion, or to impress someone. And I absolutely love the distraught facial expression with clenched teeth. The darkness of the hair and clothes, and the radiance of the exposed skin seem to portray that the figure is somehow hiding his true feelings - or failing thereto - within the confines of his expression and the darkness that surrounds him. I love the fragility of the rose as well, and how it is the same color as his skin - creating the illusion that he is somehow attached to the rose.

Your style is remarkable in its artistic infectiousness is personally just freaking epic.

FallenBane responds:

Ah, I love how much you got out of this drawing - it makes me happy that my work can send out that sort of tone. Thank you!

I like this piece, but the shadow itself isn't natural (despite the fact that it's blue). When considering where to place a shadow, one should first consider its light source; the only way for this particular piece to be coherent would be for a giant hole to appear within the earth and have the sun shine through, which would in turn create a trigonometrical, proportionate shadow. Otherwise, however, the sun would create a shadow that would be much shorter (vertically) than the actual figure casting it (mainly on a level surface, that is).

I like how the colors provide for a sort of monotone, melancholy air, but at the same time I'd like to see some more detail in the picture (maybe some cans or parked cars). Since the shadow was really more of a technicality I'm basing my '.5' deduction on the lack of background detail (I hate drawing backgrounds, personally, but I still think they make a piece all the more interesting).

Aigis responds:

Yeah, I know how the shadow would really look, but I'm calling artistic license on the shadow being bigger than him. The bigger problem is that the shadow, with the light source being behind him, would be a silhouette of him from behind, not him from the angle in which we're seeing him.

I really like the detail and gory blood splotches. I also like how you did the shirt as a sort of pattern and layered on top of that. The only issues I have are the smudgy lines at the top (i.e. the spines on the head), and the lighting on the mouth (the latter seems somewhat unnaturally bright). Other than that, the form is very interesting, and I also like the creepy air to this.

RawbSpeghetti responds:

Yea, when I head into my next painting I'm going to focus mostly on my line art as I can be kinda lazy with that.

I also learned how to make drool this time so next time around I'm gonna beef up that spit haha.

thanks for the review bud, I could use some pointers. :)

Hooray! Luxembourg! I missed your art while I wasn't on NG. It seems you've improved, for that matter. The proportions seem a little more coherent and the character is awesome (though that's something that hasn't changed). Did you do most of this in photoshop? I really like the colors... Wasn't Tower of Heaven that insanely impossible game?

Luxembourg responds:

It's always nice to get a review from Hoboweasel!
I did it Corel Painter 11, and yes, Tower of Heaven was that insanely difficult game (that I loved).
I'm glad you like the drawing, man, and it's really nice to see you back on Newgrounds and posting art, which I might add is looking excellent as always.
Thank you for dropping me a review!

That's one creepy .gif...

I really like the 'Majora's Mask-esque' kind of creature you made... I don't know what it is exactly, though it appears you put enough work into it... and I am quite fond of spheres...
Good job. I'm not much of a digital art person, but I commend your efforts.
Keep doing whatever it is you do. :)

JFDP13 responds:

This is one of my characters, Fex!
And i didn't play Majora Mask, but i understand what you mean.

Thank you very much~!

PD: Your art is pretty interesting! I'll give it a look!


I remember playing through a few of the earlier .hack games and playing though all the GU series. I haven't really settled down enough to start drawing again, but I love drawing OCs. You're really good, actually. I like the skinny style this has (I tend to draw that way a lot too). I haven't really delved that much into anime/manga style, but you seem to have a good grasp of it. Keep drawing and stuff. :)

anna155 responds:

Thank you :DD i usually see throughout character concept art on game characters that they are VERY skinny....so i tried it out :'D

Leonardo DaVinci on acid couldn't even compete.

This is so trippy and beautiful. I love the stippling. It looks like you had a lot of time but that just makes it cooler.

FaLk responds:

haha thanks dude


I really like this. Did you use digital media? The whole harpie thing is pretty cool. :D

Jaona responds:

Thanks :D


I'm not quite sure who this resembles, but its well done... The sort of nonchalant facial expression reminds me a bit of Collin Ferrel, like you said.

RicePirate responds:

he's hotter than colin fuckle .. he's my son

Old NG rat. Much love.

Wes Wade @Hoboweasel

Age 31, Male

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Joined on 2/1/09

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