
39 Game Reviews

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Really fun innovative game

I got 282 :3 Great work! :D It's a little random though, so some strategy doesn't work, though being on top usually helps xD

Woah... splosions...

Fun game, though it could have a little more features...

It's actually pretty fun...

The only thing is that with all the characters being originally guys, it's hard to like the characters... besides maybe naruto but that's because he can do that... I didn't really like the names either... too unoriginal... make it like naru instead of naruto, but sasuki is okay... Anyway, I did like the fighting mechanics, it's just you can pretty much projectile spam and slash (i.e. sasuki's back+g move) your way to victory... The animation was okay too... though the naruto sprite looked a little odd.


I enjoyed it, though the ability to choose different things you shoot out of the cannon or the different scenes would be cool. It's becoming a bit repetitive, but it would be interesting if you added a level design (I.e. Shoryuken banana level xD). Still it was pretty fun, it's just not that addicting. The art was cool though and I appreciated the meme allusions as well., great work!
A tip when using the gun is shoot when the turtle is falling and is halfway about to hit the ground.

Dood wtf?! >:V

The controls are way too irritating to compensate for!!!
All in all, I liked the concept though, kind of like warioware for the computer... eh... It'd be a lot more fun without the crappy controls. It had some strategy to employ but it was too quick to allow you figure it out the first time. The game should at least pause like 3 seconds before each minigame on a different setting or something...


Doooooooooood!!! This game is so incredibly awesome, some of the initial level designs are a little irritating, sure, but the level editor makes up for it! The integration of responsive controls with a great physics engine, interesting game mechanics, and awesome level editor made this one of my favorite games. And of course, this is coming from and indie game!!!

The only request I have for you, is that you should definitely come out with a second Spewer. You could have a lot more puke options like lava, that burns through everything, or ice which freezes on contact with a surface and you won't fall through it, or even have a crazy puke type like spewing furry animals which eat puke and bring it to you or something (then they could explode xD), but I think you should make those (as well as other level editor materials) into a reward for playing through the main game, that would make the initial levels it whole lot more tolerable.

Nice game! :D

It seemed a little lacking in graphics, :/ but despite that, it felt like I was playing fallout 3, thing thing, and left 4 dead combined into one extremely addicting and fun game, EPIC! xD

Nice job!

I really liked the anime illusions! x3 I was like... Canti?! The graphics were a little low though so a 9/10


Dood! I love the customization, the graphics were pretty good as well, plus still alive epic lulz! xD

Old NG rat. Much love.

Wes Wade @Hoboweasel

Age 31, Male

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Joined on 2/1/09

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