
64 Audio Reviews

24 w/ Responses

Interesting... o_o...

Well, I'm not into these kinds of songs that much (liked the African sounding beat though, idk what instrument you use for that >_<"), and I think your bass beat messed up my speakers ._.' but otherwise, it seems very well composed, original, and melodic. Nice job! =J

LucreOnBeats responds:

Maybe turn down the bass on your EQ? I mixed this track through several EQ filters so I could get a decent, all-around quality sound and the finished product sounded good on my speakers and two sets of headphones I have. The "African sounding beat" is actually just percussion made by using some high and low pitched tablas. Thanks for the review though.

Left 4 Dead offers you T and something to EAT.

Very reminiscent of horror films and or random video games! I really liked it, the overlaying sounds really complimented each other. c:

Extremely well done.

This is deserving of being played at a funeral, it's not too overdone, it's well composed, and it has a sad feeling to it that i feel expresses both sadness and past happiness.

Heeey man, let's go save the WOOoorld!... what?

Lol, this is a really well composed song! The beat deviates a bit which keeps it interesting.

Dood this is epic! :D wait, is ur avatar Sirius?

Wow, you did a nice job on this one, the beat seems to deviate just enough to be really interesting! The electric sounds vastly compliment the beat as well. The only thing is that the audio portal is already flooded with songs like these :c

Wait a tick! O_O ...Hentai?!?!

The song isn't as upbeat as is kind of makes you want to believe with the beat and all... despite that it is pretty descent... oh, and I rly liked dot hack video games for some reason... ._. In my opinion you should make the beat less repetitive and add different sound variations.

Boom takakakakaka Chikchik*

Nice! The song was a little repetitive but it was made up for by the interest created by the gun sound effects.

Dooodz :c

What the f***?... Okay, I'm over being disturbed due to the song... O_O' Wow... you actually retained and articulated a melody despite your lack of instrumental variety... o_e' Ummm, good job? But why "go" I wonder...


I like the beat in the middle, it's like a bloody rave! xD

A little soft for techno IMO

I like the concept of MGS as techno (except that weird plinking violin harp instrument I HATE THOSE!!!) but it was a little too slow, try speeding it up just a bit.

Old NG rat. Much love.

Wes Wade @Hoboweasel

Age 31, Male

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